Hi, I'm Jose Saboya

Your Next Front-End React Developer

Get To Know Me...


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I have a passion for technology and a diverse background in emergency medical services. My experience as an EMT has taught me the importance of quick decision making and problem solving under pressure, skills that are transferable to a career in front-end development. I am driven to make an impact in people's lives through the creation of user-friendly and accessible technology. I am eager to apply my skills and passion to a career in front-end development and make a difference in the tech industry.

My Resume


Electro Depot - MERN E-Commerce App, w/ Redux, Hooks, Paypal API Payment, Node.js Backend and JWT for Authentication

Built a scalable full-stack e-commerce platform using the MERN stack and Redux for state management. ElectroDepot features a full cart and payment integration through the PayPal API, utilizes MongoDB for its database, and has implemented JWT for user registration and authentication, with a custom Node.js backend.

  • React
  • React Router
  • Redux
  • JWT
  • Node
  • Express
  • Paypal API
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
See Live Github

Take Flight - DJI Tello Drone Project w/ React, Node.js, MySQL and Socket.io

A React.js Drone application that uses a Node.js backend to communicate with the DJI Tello Drone via UDP4 sockets, and to communicate to and from the browser Socket.io was implemented. Data sent back from the drone was used to display it's current position in a gyroscope ui, the drone's battery level. Flight data was recorded into a MySql database.

  • React
  • CSS3
  • Node
  • Express
  • UDP4
  • Socket.io
  • MySQL
  • Sequelize

I'm ready to tackle your Web Development needs